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Ms Singapore Beauty Pageant 2019 | Talent Round

Hello everyone!

I know so many of you have been waiting for the Talent Round! So wait no longer, because it's finally here! If you haven't seen my vlog, you can watch it here! I always enjoy the talent round because it's a chance for the finalists to show their individuality as well as showcase their unique talents. This year, it was held at West Mall instead of the usual OneKM mall like in previous years. This venue was outdoor but thank goodness for the shade! Also, it did attract a lot of audience that were passing by which was great exposure for the ladies!

Opening dance by the contestants, choreographed by Ms Singapore Chinatown 2017: Christina Cai!

If you watched the vlog, you would have noticed that it was the same choreography that they did during their charity day, so if you'd like to watch the full dance, you can watch that vlog here. The sportswear they wore were all generously sponsored by FABlife!

Now, let's meet the contestants once again!

Contestant No. 1: Winnie Tay

Winnie's item was a Korean folk dance which I thought was quite unique, I must say, I was amazed by her spotting technique, I watched that clip quite a few times because it was just great fun to watch! She was full of energy and had a very lively expression through the performance, it's no wonder she was at the very front during the group item!

Contestant No. 2: Melanis Tai

Melanis's item consisted for two things: Dance and Yoga! This was a first for me to witness. I don't know about you guys, but I've never head of the two being incorporated together. I was definitely intrigued! I personally felt she could have worn black socks so it would blend with her costume better, but in general, the costume was pretty cool! I'd want a pretty black leotard like that too!

Contestant No. 3: Gabriella Lim

Gabriella did a cover of a Kpop song. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure about which song it was though. Her costume definitely reminded me of the days when I used to do kpop in Poly! Overall, it was a fun performance to watch!

Contestant No. 4: Joey Wan

Jowy did a contemporary piece which she choreographed. I enjoyed her performance very much! I did wished her costume had something sparkly or maybe some form of shimmer to it because she had so many fluid movements, so imagine how fun that would be. I thought she was a very strong dancer and I did enjoy her floorwork!

Contestant No. 5: Esther Leong

Esther had an interesting item for us, a monologue. I think it was a shame that I couldn't understand most of it because it was in mandarin, but the judges had great feedback for her so I'm assuming she did pretty amazing! I did appreciate that she showcased singing and dancing in her act as well.

Contestant No. 7: Amanda Chan

Amanda performed a dance item for us, but not just any dance item, it was burlesque inspired! Well, particularly, Moulin Rouge. It was quite a 'sensual' performance, as the judges concluded, and I'm sure everyone else did too! I did think she could have used dance heels to amp up her costume a little bit, though!

Contestant No. 8: Tiara Lim

Tiara did a dance for us, contemporary and kpop! I actually liked both her costumes, I thought her contemporary skirt was very flow-y and it photographed pretty well. I did wish it was a wrap skirt more than an elastic-waist kind of number, it would have made her costume change more seamless. I wasn't sure which kpop song she was dancing to (I'm so outdated, oh no!), but it was an energetic performance, though I personally would have stuck to just one genre~ But I'm guessing the change in costume does make the item more interesting.

Contestant No. 9: Toh Xin Pei

Did you think you'd have a talent round without any belly dancing? Nope! Xin Pei did a belly dance performance with wings, and it was quite mesmerising. I thought her costume was so stunning and it photographed very well. Honestly, you can't really go wrong with good props like the wings!

Contestant No. 10: Crystal Huang

Crystal did something I've never seen on the MSBP stage before: Opera. When I heard she was doing an opera item, I was just so excited! It reminded me of the days when I used to perform with the Siong Leng Musical Association, though I didn't do opera and Siong Leng's repertoire is Hokkien/Minnan dialect and Crystal's item was in Teo Chew. It was just nice to see someone so young indulge in the traditional arts too.

I thought her performance was so unique and I was so engaged because the costume was so different from the rest. At first she was lip syncing, but later on, she did sing a bit for us and that just made everything even more amazing!

Contestant No. 11: Janet Goh

Janet performed a dance for us, the fan made the entire performance very mesmerising! I do appreciate a good prop during the performances, and I felt that Janet's choice of prop was very smart! We also found out that she hasn't really danced before, so it was definitely a good choice to have the fan as it paints a very fluid picture on the stage.

Contestant No. 12: Quah Jing Ru

Jing Ru performed a two part item for us: Singing and Kpop. She sang Fallin' by Alicia Keys and danced to Kill This Love by Blackpink (FELLOW BLINKS WHERE YA AT!!!) I was quite excited to finally know the names of the songs that someone was performing! But with that aside, I appreciated the effort to have a simple costume change, which was just the mask, though I feel it would have been better to stick to one talent; singing or dancing.

Contestant No. 13: Elisa Li

Elisa sang for us, and unfortunately, I do not know the title of the song. If I'm not wrong, it was in cantonese. I must admit, it was good to finally have a singing performance, since almost every other item up until hers had a dance element in it. However, I did wish that she had a little more movement in her performance.

Contestant No. 14: Chan See Kei

See Kei performed a violin cover. I think there was meant to be a bit of a dance element to it, because you tend to stand on the spot when you play the violin. Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but that's my assumption. With that being said, I thought her item was very unique. I've not seen anyone play the violin on the MSBP stage, let alone move around while playing it so much. I definitely enjoyed her performance!

Contestant No. 15: Janice Ng

Janice played a song for us on the keyboard. It did sound amazing, however, it was quite unfortunate that she sat so far away from the judges, so we couldn't really see anything, let alone enjoy the performance as much as we could have.

Contestant No. 16: Crystal Wong

Crystal did a dance/martial arts demonstration for us. I LOVED IT. I loved it so much that I wanted to film as much as I could on my camera, and only realised I couldn't get photos or a video on my phone for my instastories because it ended way too soon! It was genuinely short, guys, I'm not playing favourites! As much as some people have messaged me on instagram that I was being biased because Crystal's instastory preview had a completely different framing from everyone else, I'm telling you now that her instastory footage was from my vlog camera, and of course, that framing is different. Anyway, with that all being said, I really did enjoy her short performance. I didn't think she'd be able to shake like that (watch the vlog and you'll know what I'm talking about). Of course, we all knew she was strong and badass, so don't mess with her!

Contestant No. 17: Sandi Aung

Sandi did a little public speaking item for us. I felt that it was unique, since no one usually does a speech on the MSBP stage. She did speak about wanting to use the platform to speak up about things that she believed in. I thought it was very brave of her and I appreciated the effort she put into it.

Contestant No. 18: Yvelyn Lian

Yvelyn did a dance item for us. I must admit I thought it was going to be crazy when I heard the 'baby shark' song come up, I was pleasantly surprised though, I did cheer a bit so I cut that out of the vlog, or else all you guys would hear would be 'WAAAOOOOOO', instead of her music. She did do a second song: SeƱorita, by Shawn Mendez. I really quite enjoy her performance!

Contestant No. 19: Genevieve Tan

Genevieve did a dance item for us as well. I think she had a bit of a latin/ballroom background, but she decided to do a little chinese-inspired (I'm saying this because I'm not 100% sure if it just pure cultural Chinese dance) dance item instead. It wasn't as upbeat as the other dance items, but instead, it was a little bit more slow and jazzy, which was a good way to end the talent round! I thought the music just made us watch and concentrate her throughout the performance since we weren't particularly singing or grooving by ourselves to the music.